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Affortable Websites | Smart Websites London
All the essentials needed for a successful and profitable website at an affordable price. Start turning your website traffic into enquiries with a professional website built by our experienced designers.

Like everything business it’s essential companies need to build successful sites but at affordable prices. We offer all the tools and handy tricks to get your website off the ground into a more stunning looking website which generates business for you in the long term. Its about creating that right impression for your business which make it look professional but at the same time affordable for you.

Every business projects needs a return on the investment – with that in time we plan a site from the beginning to give the business owner a means to measure how successful they have been so far in their investment. The objective at the end is for the website to generate business and money for your company.

Our focus and workings are geared around small to medium sized business which demand the most in terms of returns on their investment. Our clients range from small independent service providers like “Ian the painter” who wishes to be visible when someone search on the net for a local painter to more complex large corporations whose demands and requirements are much more complex and challenging.

Over the course of many years we have developed clever ways to measurement the performance of a site e.g. How do we measure from 1 to 10 whether a site is delivering for their business owner? If we can measure something then long term we can set goals that we need to achieve say e.g. 90% profitability from the website.

We offer the complete service from helping you to register domain names, hosting service, professional email address, quality web traffic and 99.9% server uptime.

Why choose us

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With so many web design companies to choose from, what makes our Essential website service stand out from the crowd?

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What makes smartwebsiteslondon unqiue is that we are based in the heart of London and if you are a London based business and want to make face to face contact and require a company to take you step by step through the whole process then we are here to help.


Our unique and diverse experience in all the different web technologies makes us stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Choose a package that suits your business needs

Business Lite Business Pro (with CMS) Business Elite (with CMS)
Number of website pages* 3 5 10
Number of professional images 6 12 18
YouTube / Vimeo integration
Google Map integration
Navigation menu
Contact form
Social media links
Best practice SEO
Photo gallery / image slider
RSS feed
Content management system
Submission to Google, Yahoo & Bing
PPC tutorial
Full design consultation
One round of pre-live website amendments
£299 setup + £25 p/m £399 setup + £40 p/m £799 + £75 p/m